Jackie Berg


Visual problem-solver. Researcher. Numbers nerd. Powerpoint pro. Excel enthusiast. Alliteration all-star.


4 Common Problems With Your Employee Surveys

If your survey is flawed, your data is flawed. We're showing you 4 key engagement survey mistakes and how to fix them. Learn how to launch winning employee surveys.

3 Insights From the Internal Communications Salary Report
Internal Communications

The 2022 internal communications salary report is a useful salary benchmarking tool to help you get the pay you deserve and shed light on internal comms jobs.

Quick Fixes to Improve Your Employee Newsletter Content & Design
Best Practices

Are your internal newsletter metrics down? We've got easy tips for you to create more effective newsletters that boost engagement (AND are nice to look at).

Cures for the Common Newsletter: Demystifying Email Metrics
Best Practices

When done right, newsletters can be a “one-stop-shop” for employees. But what happens when your newsletter isn’t being read or effective anymore? And how can you figure out what’s causing it?

3 PowerPoint Pet Peeves (And How To Avoid Them!)
Internal Communications

Like it or not, PowerPoint presentations are a ubiquitous internal communication tool. Nothing grinds our gears more than weird alignment or a messy table though. So, if you’re ready to clean up your PowerPoints, read on for tips and tricks!

The Internal Communications Data Storytelling Guide
Internal Communications

Whether you’re a master of measurement or you’re mystified by internal comms metrics, knowing how to present and tell the story of your data is the most powerful way to demonstrate the effectiveness and influence of your internal communications.

Cures for the Common Newsletter: Information Overload and Email Fatigue
Internal Communications

People rarely drown from too much valuable information but they will tune out (or worse, disengage) if they're being bombarded with way more info than they want or need. There’s a way to beat this. We’ll show you how!

Think Before You Ask: Designing Employee Surveys for Actionable Data
Best Practices

Asking for employee feedback sends a message that you want to hear from them… unless you don’t do a single thing with the feedback. Here are 3 steps to help you think before you ask and yield data you can act on.

6 Remote Onboarding Program Ideas We Love
Employee Lifecycle

We’re seeing more companies rise to the challenge of welcoming new employees from afar. Need some inspiration? Here are 6 brilliant ideas for helping employees feel engaged and fully supported in a remote setting.

10 Resources for Measuring Internal Communications Your Way
Internal Communications

Your approach to data and measurement and the way you tell a story with that information should be as personalized as your Netflix recommendations. Here are 10 tools and resources for measuring internal communications YOUR way.

High-Five. Props. Thumbs Up! Why Employee Recognition Matters
Internal Communications

To be truly effective, employee recognition must be deeply ingrained in the company’s DNA.

Transparency in LGBT Communications
Best Practices

Now is a critical time to communicate with – and show your support to – your LGBT employees. Here are 4 ways internal communications can show up year-round.