Six-Word Memoirs

October 20, 2010
Here at Brilliant Ink, we were all intrigued when we discovered SMITH Magazine's Six-Word Memoir Project. The whole concept is based on a legend that Ernest Hemingway was once challenged to write a story in just six words. He came up with: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” Based on that concept, SMITH started asking its readers to submit their own six-word memoirs - poignant, compelling, funny and often touching stories told in six words. Since then, SMITH has released five books featuring six-word memoirs (note to self: great gift to bring to my next cocktail party). Today, there are hundreds of thousands of six-word memoirs posted on SMITH's website. They've also been featured on NPR, in The New Yorker, and even underneath Honest Tea bottle caps. We were so intrigued by these bite-sized stories, that we decided to create our own six-word memoirs. But you'll have to humor us - we're a bunch of self-proclaimed word nerds, so you'll see all of our memoirs have a writing slant to them. Enjoy! Can you write a story in six words? We hope you'll share your six-word memoirs in the comments section below. Liz-6-word-memoir Ann-6-word-memoir Janice-6-word-memoir      
Alison Harrison

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