7 Tips To Promote Company Core Values

October 2, 2024

Core values are the foundation of any company’s culture. They define what the organization stands for and how they accomplish their shared vision. When embraced and lived out by employees, core values can drive business success, foster a positive work environment, and create a shared sense of purpose.

But promoting core values effectively is key to ensuring they are more than just words on a poster. They must be integrated into the everyday experiences for employees across all levels.

Below are 10 tips on how to keep them top of mind.

1. Integrate Core Values into Onboarding

Introducing core values on day one sets the tone for new hires. It’s essential that employees not only know the company’s values, but also understand how to live them. Consider weaving them into employee onboarding or orientation sessions, welcome kits, and mentorship programs.

💡 How to get started: Consider highlighting stories of how these values have shaped the company’s growth and culture and pairing new hires with mentors who exemplify the values in their day-to-day work.

2. Leverage Storytelling

Storytelling is a powerful tool in making core values relatable and memorable. Sharing real-life examples of employees who embody these values can inspire others to follow suit. These stories can be told through internal newsletters, team meetings, or even an intranet.

💡 How to get started: Consider running a “before and after” awareness campaign where employees share how the values have shifted their approach. By highlighting these moments, you humanize your core values and show their practical application in the workplace.

3. Recognize and Reward Value-Driven Behavior

Recognizing employees who exemplify the company’s values is one of the most effective ways to reinforce their importance. Corporate values should align with employee behaviors. Create a recognition program where employees are celebrated for living out the values, whether through monthly awards, shout-outs during meetings, or peer-nominated acknowledgments. This kind of recognition not only rewards individual behavior but also sets a standard for others to follow.

💡 How to get started: Consider using a platform like WorkProud, Achievers or Nectar to put a program in place.

4. Incorporate Values into Decision-Making

When leaders and managers integrate core values into their decision-making processes, it shows employees that these values matter beyond words. Whether it’s making a hiring decision, selecting a business partner, or launching a new project, referencing core values in these choices helps reinforce their significance across the organization.

💡 How to get started: Consider encouraging leaders to set an example by openly discussing how certain shared objectives connect to the company’s values. Use this opportunity to outline the importance of alignment in decision-making.

5. Host Core Values Workshops

Workshops and training sessions dedicated to core values are a great way to engage employees in discussions about what the values mean to them. These sessions can provide a space for employees to share their experiences, gain deeper insights, and brainstorm ways to apply the values to their daily responsibilities.

💡 How to get started: Consider creating an educational series around values and behaviors that provides opportunities for employees to ask questions and gain clarity.

6. Make Values Part of Performance Reviews

Including core values in performance reviews shows employees that their alignment with the company’s ethos is just as important as their job performance. Managers can assess how well employees demonstrate the company’s values through their work and interactions with others. This practice reinforces the message that embodying these values is a critical part of success within the organization.

💡 How to get started: Consider partnering with an agency like us to create a values-based competency framework that aligns your values and behaviors to individual performance.

7. Communicate Consistently Across Channels

Consistent communication about core values across various channels is essential for keeping them front and center. Incorporate your values into emails, intranet posts, town hall meetings, and other communication platforms. By embedding them in your messaging, employees will constantly be reminded of the company’s guiding principles.

💡 How to get started: Consider hosting a game of Values Trivia where employees are asked to participate via platforms like Mentimeter. This is a great opportunity to test knowledge while also building awareness about values and behaviors.

Living the Values

Promoting core values isn’t a one-time initiative. It requires continuous effort and authentic engagement across all levels of the organization. By embedding these values into every aspect of your company culture—from onboarding to decision-making and recognition—you ensure that they are lived out daily. Regularly assess your current practices to see if they align with your values and consider implementing these tips to ensure your core values become the heartbeat of your organization.

Need a hand? Let us know.

Maira Sarwar-Sheikh

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