How To Get Employee Surveys Right To Drive Meaningful Change

The world we’re living in is likely far from what we envisioned it being at the beginning of the year.

With the world changing and evolving at an unprecedented rate, the way we work and what we expect from our employers and employees is changing, too. As companies strive to find a “new normal,” it’s critical to listen to your people and act on their feedback. 

Employee surveys are an effective listening tool to assess your people’s experiences. This white paper will share tips and strategies to help you think through your survey approach — whether you’re a survey novice or pro.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • A step-by-step guide on what you need to do BEFORE you ask your people anything
  • An overview of the most common types of survey questions and how/when to use them
  • Best practices for various survey topics and scenarios, including crisis surveys, remote employee surveys, and communication preferences surveys  
  • Guidance to put your survey results into action 

If you’re ready to take a closer look at how you can use employee surveys to drive change at your organization, download your copy today.