Got Milk? A Working Mom's Solution for Travel

November 6, 2019

With big life transitions come new, challenging (read: wacky!) logistics. I became a mom last winter, and as I prepared for upcoming work travel, I contemplated how to bring breastmilk back home for my baby. Luckily, I became a mom in 2019 (not the 1950s!), so I have choices for milk transport. Who knew?! Let me introduce an option I came across, Milk Stork.

Milk Stork is helping working breastfeeding moms achieve their corporate and personal goals, minimizing stress along the way. By the way, this is NOT a paid Milk Stork endorsement! Just a happy customer who appreciates companies that support working women and help make the transition into motherhood slightly less stressful. :)

Here’s how Milk Stork works

There are a few options – you can ship, check, or tote your milk home.

  • If you choose to tote it home, Milk Stork will send you a TSA approved refrigerated container to bring with you on the plane.
  • If you want to ship it, you simply drop it off at the front desk of your hotel at check out and have them send it home for you.

I recently selected the ‘tote it home’ option and it was amazing! I had a two-hour drive to the airport plus a cross-country flight, and my milk was still chilled when I got home. Previously, I had a successful trip with using my personal cooler and ice packs, but using Milk Stork’s approved TSA container made it less of a headache.  

Three things I’ve learned

  1. Pumping in an airport terminal is not as eye-catching as you may think – everyone is far more concerned with their own traveling logistics than watching you pump.
  2. Anti-bacterial wipes will make cleaning parts on the go much simpler – carry two packs everywhere you go!
  3. Ask your HR rep if your company will join the 600+ employers that offer Milk Stork as an employee benefit.

I am pleasantly surprised by how many companies are striving to make it easier for breastfeeding moms to travel, and offering services like Milk Stork as a turnkey solution for their employees.  

Have you used similar services? Any additional tips you’d share to help make it easier for breastfeeding moms to travel? We want to hear it! Connect with us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Lindsay McCleary

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