Inklings: Week of 5/9/2014
Check out what we found floating around the Internet this week! Enjoy!
Make Your Team Feel Powerful- Did you know letting your employees make decisions can increase your productivity, well-being and satisfaction? Read up on this compelling research to find out how you can spread the power!
7 Meaningful Questions to Gauge Empolyee Happiness- When conducting employee reviews, develop structured and personalized questions. Also, please do it more than once a year.
Where Ideas Come From and the Fragmentary Nature of Creativity- "And I always say, you desiring an idea is like a bait on a hook-you can pull them in. And if you catch an idea that you love, that's a beautiful, beautiful day. And you write that idea down so you won't forget it. And that idea that you caught might just be a fragment of the whole." We love ideas.
Why Nonprofits are Replicating the Startup Model- Learn how Beespace is revitalizing innovation through the redesign of nonprofit operations.