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Ask the DEI Expert: Building Diverse Pipelines & Equitable Systems

Ask the DEI Expert: Building Diverse Pipelines & Equitable Systems. POSTED ON. October 20, 2020. We have the power to drive meaningful conversations and change in the workplace.


Ask the DEI Expert: Speaking Honestly & Leading with Heart

Ask the DEI Expert: Speaking Honestly & Leading with Heart. POSTED ON. July 7, 2021. We have the power to drive meaningful conversations and change in the workplace.


Ask the DEI Expert: Recruiting and Hiring Women of Color

Ask the DEI Expert: Recruiting and Hiring Women of Color. POSTED ON. August 5, 2020. As I spoke with many Diversity, Equity and Inclusion consultants to compile our. list of "10 DEI Experts Who Can Help Your Company Today,". I realized one conversation just wasn’t enough.


Ask the DEI Expert: How HR Can Combat Structural Racism

Ask the DEI Expert: How HR Can Combat Structural Racism. POSTED ON. September 15, 2020. We have the power to drive meaningful conversations and change in the workplace. In this. series. , we’re connecting with.


Ask the DEI Expert: How to Elevate Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace

Ask the DEI Expert: How to Elevate Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace. POSTED ON. February 2, 2021. We have the power to drive meaningful conversations and change in the workplace.


Why Most Companies Should (Not) Publicly Celebrate History, Heritage & Awareness Months

Does your company genuinely and functionally support the group you’re posting about internally and externally? Do you have a DEI strategy and are you compensating employees for the mental and emotional toll of doing DEI work? Does DEI have a. seat at the table. with your c-suite?


5 Ways Internal Communications Can Support Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

At Brilliant Ink, we believe diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) affect the experiences of all employees at every step of the employee lifecycle​. And yet, as communicators, we don't always feel comfortable stepping up to lead and drive DEI efforts inside our organizations.


4 Key Strategies for Making Inclusive Images

Of course, that was just the tip of the iceberg and DEI is an iterative journey. So, in the spirit of continuous learning, here are four more ways to level up your DEI imagery and visuals. 1. Don't Fake Diversity, Ever!


Building Inclusive & Accessible Cultures Through HR and Communications

As communicators, we have the power to drive meaningful conversations and change in the workplace. In our “.


10 DEI Experts Who Can Help Your Company TODAY

X. 10 DEI Experts Who Can Help Your Company TODAY. POSTED ON. July 1, 2020. Many organizations and individuals are in the midst of a long-overdue “awakening,” realizing just HOW MUCH work needs to be done to dismantle systems of inequality and racism in the workplace.


2022 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Progress Report and Trend Alert

Since I’m a DEI and communications expert who focuses primarily on racial equity, Culture Amp’s insights on race were most interesting to me. Read on for 5 key insights, 5 learnings, and 5 opportunities to chart our course forward!


A Guide to Communicating Your DEI Survey Results to Employees

A Guide to Communicating Your DEI Survey Results to Employees. POSTED ON. July 26, 2022. In my work as a consultant, clients panic when a few things reliably happen: a big, unexpected news story hits; a major layoff or merger is about to be announced; and… the results of a DEI survey come in.


3 Expert Tips from Strategic Internal Communicators at the ALI Conference

X. 3 Expert Tips from Strategic Internal Communicators at the ALI Conference. POSTED ON. February 5, 2020. What happens when you ask three internal communicators their thoughts on 2020 industry trends and best practices? You get nothing short of brilliance!


Welcoming New Inkies to Accounts, Biz Dev and Project Management!

The unrest and trauma of the past 12+ months has affected us in a lot of ways. This blog post is not about that (but you can find thought leadership and curated articles in our.


How to Partner With HR on Your Internal Communications Preferences Survey

Ask what types of information. would. be helpful in building a deeper understanding. 🙅 ENGAGEMENT SURVEY SAID: EMPLOYEES FEEL THAT LEADERS AREN’T TRANSPARENT OR THAT INFORMATION IS WITHHELD FROM THEM. Communications survey opportunity: Ask how they would. prefer. to hear from leaders.


What Star Trek Can Teach Us about DEI and Leadership

What Star Trek Can Teach Us about DEI and Leadership. POSTED ON. August 12, 2020. September 8, 1966. The first episode of. Star Trek: The Original Series. aired to millions of people.


Decreased Employee Engagement & Increased Resignations? Ask These 3 Questions

Ask These 3 Questions. POSTED ON. October 12, 2021. How to keep your employees happy is. trending. right now. With the so-called. Great Resignation. upon us, attracting and retaining talent hasn’t been this difficult or debated in years. So why exactly are people leaving?


Trend Spotting for 2009

For better or worse, the internet has spawned a host of "experts" who are only too happy to gaze into their crystal balls and predict the future for us. I've been sifting through all kinds of predictions from authoritative and not-so-authoritative sources, and have compiled a few I like.


Let’s Talk About Pronouns: 5 Tips for Gender Inclusivity in the Workplace

For tips on how to refer to gender, sex, and sexuality in the workplace, download Brilliant Ink’s. DEI Style Guide. 2. Don’t Assume and Don’t Ask. When we use gender pronouns, it’s usually based on how we read/interpret a person’s outward appearance.


Think Before You Ask: Designing Employee Surveys for Actionable Data

Think Before You Ask: Designing Employee Surveys for Actionable Data. POSTED ON. July 22, 2020. With all that’s going on in the world right now, companies and individuals alike are doing a lot of internal reflection.


3 Tips for Better Collaborations Between Internal Communications & Design

Since this is something I am still working on, I leaned on Brilliant Ink’s resident design expert, Claire Turk. , to get her thoughts.


Workplace Diversity, Anti-Racism and Allyship Resource Center

At Brilliant Ink, we believe that the work of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is never finished. It’s an ongoing process – a lifelong commitment to self-reflection and coalition with marginalized communities.


Say This, Not That: A DEI Style Guide to Inclusive Communications

Say This, Not That: A DEI Style Guide to Inclusive Communications. Few topics are as critical and dynamic as the language we use to communicate inclusively with diverse groups. Words matter. How organizations use language can deeply impact how we view race, gender, and cultures.


Custom, Expert Support For Your Employee Surveys

Custom, Expert Support For Your Employee Surveys. Let's make your. next survey brilliant. As a communicator, you didn’t sign up to be a. data analyst. And with all the other hats you’re wearing, we know it can be overwhelming. Feeling Survey-Stressed? We Get It.


Powerful People-Centric Strategies And Ideas from Resources for Humans

The Art of Gathering. , advised that before deciding to set a meeting, it’s critical that you first clarify your purpose. This is more than just creating an agenda. Really ask yourself, what is the need here? What is the specific, disputable purpose and given that, who should be invited?
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