Ann Melinger

Head honcho. Passion for people. Craves connection. Equity advocate. Sticky note addict.


5 Essential Steps To Prepare Your Organization for AI
Best Practices

Internal comms has a major role to play in preparing organizations for AI adoption. Not sure where to start? Here are 5 steps to ensure your org is ready for this seismic shift.

9 Best Practices For Partnering With An IC Agency
Best Practices

An internal comms agency can be a fantastic investment — if you know how to find the right partner. These 9 best practices will help you know what you're looking for.

Reaching the Unreachable: Proven Best Practices for Engaging Deskless Workers
Employee Experience

How do you overcome the deskless disconnect? With these best practices, you’ll connect and engage with deskless workers effectively and make a real impact in retaining deskless workers.

3 Employee Listening Strategies to Reach Deskless Workers
Internal Communications

Retaining and engaging deskless workers is at an all-time high. Here are three steps you can take in your employee listening strategy to ensure they’re heard.

Standing Up for Abortion Rights in the Workplace
Diversity & Inclusion

Many companies are publicly supporting abortion access for employees. How can employees hold companies accountable, and what can employers do to support abortion rights?

What Companies Get Wrong About Core Values: 5 Common Pitfalls
Employee Experience

What's so hard about writing good corporate values? More than you think! Learn how to avoid 5 common mistakes when building organizational values and culture.

5 Ways Internal Communications Can Support Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Diversity & Inclusion

We recently teamed up with our good friends at the Advanced Learning Institute (ALI) to host a half-day master class, "Diversity, Equity & Inclusion for Internal Communications," where experts from our team and beyond discussed best practices to foster inclusion and belonging at work. Here are five of our top insights and takeaways!

3 Tips for College Students Seeking a Career in Internal Communications
Internal Communications

If you're a student considering a career in Internal Communications, listen up because we're sharing some key insights on how to leverage your education and experience to prepare for a bright future!

4 Lessons in Diversity, Belonging & Brave Leadership from ALI Conference
Diversity & Inclusion

Our team has been on a journey to learn more about building inclusive and equitable workplaces. We’re always on the lookout for new insights, and picked up many best practices when we chaired the ALI Conference in April.

Brave and Bold Leadership: A Profile of Rosalind Brewer
Diversity & Inclusion

No matter your role, we all have a part to play in creating anti-racist organizations where all employees can thrive. Here are 3 ways Rosalind Brewer’s brave and bold leadership has inspired us to use our platform to speak out against racism.

It's Okay Not to Be Okay

What we witnessed January 6th was terrifying. Now is a time for bravery, vulnerability and leadership grounded in your company and personal values.

Gratitudes, Revelations and Lessons from 2020
Just for Fun

We could all create a laundry list of the things that went wrong this year. But as we look ahead to 2021, our hope is that it wasn’t all for naught. So instead of forever begrudging 2020, we are grateful for the lessons it taught us.