Resources for Workplace Diversity, Anti-Racism and Allyship

June 24, 2020

Equipping Leaders, Communicators and HR for Driving Conversations and Meaningful Change

The senseless murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, among countless other Black individuals, have sparked global discourse and collective action against systemic racism, diversity, inclusion and allyship. Like never before, companies are no longer keeping silent but taking a stand, while being pressed by employees and the public for greater accountability and matching actions to words.

As leaders and communicators, we have the power to drive conversations and make meaningful changes to eliminate inequality in our workplaces. Brilliant Ink compiled many of the resources that have been helping us and our clients as we find our voices and actions in driving workplace diversity, anti-racism and allyship. We hope these resources provide helpful guidance and support for the hard work you’re doing.

Becky Sennett

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