Brilliant Blog
You've found the Brilliant Blog, home to our missives, musings and meditations on employee engagement. Welcome!
October 12, 2021
All of our employee engagement and communication plans, strategies and tactics are pieces of a larger wellbeing puzzle. Before you look for the next new shiny tactic, make sure you’ve taken the entire employee experience into account and consider these questions.
October 5, 2021
Employee Value Propositions (EVPs) capture what sets a company apart. It’s at the core of an employer’s brand. Some say, however, that the principles underlying traditional EVPs are simply outdated – focusing too much on the employee as a worker, rather than as a whole human. There's a better way, we promise!
September 28, 2021
We're thrilled to partner with our friends at Bananatag on a first-of-its-kind internal communications industry salary report. These results will arm you with the data you need to demonstrate your impact as an internal communicator and get the salary you deserve. Here's what you can expect!
September 21, 2021
If you're a student considering a career in Internal Communications, listen up because we're sharing some key insights on how to leverage your education and experience to prepare for a bright future!
September 8, 2021
When done right, newsletters can be a “one-stop-shop” for employees. But what happens when your newsletter isn’t being read or effective anymore? And how can you figure out what’s causing it?
August 31, 2021
The information managers share affects the outcomes that they are looking to drive for their team! So, how can we ensure manager tools are as effective as possible? Here are five tips we've learned firsthand!